
學習筆記:長照事業分享_趙偉杰 總經理


英文學習日記-02 Missing is a disease

When you on the one side, where stars twinkling around you I have no end, on the  journey alone. How much time was wasted, I can't avoid the depression that should be Always imagine your shining voice, try to feel the breath from your heart My thoughts might be hollowed , As my eyes be occupied by your eyes I think missing is a disease,it can't be cured, I believe.


跟風放上一張10年之間的比較照片,同時也來幫現在的自己做下一些紀錄。 十年前的我,剛結束大學生涯,體重075公斤,人生充滿著迷惘 十年後的我,電子產業第四年,體重100公斤,人生充滿著鬱悶 過去給自己的目標,似乎從來沒有實現過,收入、能力、感情,都是跌跌撞撞中匍匐前進 不過一路上非常感謝扶青團、扶輪社、朋友、長輩、老師、長官給我的許多學習 也幫自己的2019年開始做新的突破。 機會留給準備好的人,這句話從來沒錯過。 這一年,當你遇到了喜歡的對象,有了機會很好的工作,一切的一切只等待我用努力去實踐 讓我很鬱悶的是,我沒有足夠的自信去爭取到這一切,成功的可能性飄渺如零 但那些殺不死我的,必定讓我更強,寫下這些紀錄,希望能夠振奮自己 希望是我僅剩下的唯一,是當我現在一無所有的時候,讓我前進的動力

英文學習日記-01 The Scholar Swordsman

Stand in the center person, is cosplaying a Character from Puppetry Drama called " The Scholar Swordsman " That Drama was the most Famous Puppetry Drama in 1971 B.C. The Scholar Swordsman in Chinese culture means, A person have a strong sense of justice and ready to help the weak So that I make a pose , Just like I leard kung fu .